Detailed Setting Dialog Box

To open the Detailed Setting dialog box, select Manual from Print Mode in the Print dialog box and then click Details....

Quality panel


(1)  Panel display icons

Click these icons to switch between panels in the Detailed Setting dialog box.

(2)  Print Quality

Move the slide bar to adjust the balance between print quality and speed. Moving the bar to the right enhances print quality, and moving it to the left increases printing speed.

(3)  Halftoning

Select either Dither or Diffusion ink dot configurations.

Special Effects Panel

To display the Special Effects panel, click (Special effects).


(1)  Simulate illustration

This function manipulates color image with certain effects. Select the check box and adjust the brightness of the image with the Contrast slide bar.

(2)  Monochrome effects

Prints a color image in a single color. Select the check box and choose a color or use a custom color using Select Color.

(3)  Vivid Photo

By using this function, you can reproduce breathtaking sceneries in which colors, especially blues and greens, appear even more vibrant. A major feature of this function is its ability to create vivid backgrounds of fields, trees, oceans, and sky, while maintaining the natural skin tones of people that appear in the images.

(4)  Photo Optimizer PRO

Optimizes the color of images taken from a digital camera or scanner. It is especially effective for images affected by color imbalance and over- or under exposure.

When printing several images on one printing page, optimization is usually applied to each image according to its requirements. However, if the image data has been manipulated using clipping, rotation or other such operations, group optimization of all images on the page is recommended. In such cases, select the Apply Throughout Page check box.

(5)  Photo Noise Reduction

When printing images recorded with your digital cameras, blue sky may be dappled or dark appearing rough. You can reduce this effect with the Photo Noise Reduction function. Using this function with photographs other than those taken with a digital camera may cause images to be disturbed.

Color Panel

To display the Color Panel, click (Color).


(1)  Color Correction

Select a color correction method: BJ Standard, ColorSync or None. BJ Standard is usually the optimum color correction method for printing with a printer. When ColorSync is selected, you should also specify the Print Type and Printer Profile settings.

(2)  Print Type

For printing that emphasizes intermediate colors, select Photo. For printing that emphasizes the brightness of primary colors, select Graphics. For documents that contain large amounts of a basic color, select Spot Color.

(3)  Printer Profile

Select optimized color characteristics (a profile) for the media type and other factors.

(4)  Gamma Correction

This function adjusts the color contrast (not including pure black and white). To adjust the contrast, select the check box and move the slide bar. Moving the bar to the right darkens the entire image while increasing contrast in the lighter areas and decreasing contrast in the darker areas.

(5)  Color Balance

Move the bar for each color to adjust the balance of color intensity. Moving the bar to the right intensifies the color.

(6)  Intensity

Move the slide bar to adjust the print density. Moving the bar to the right increases the density.

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