My Family's Genealogy

Below: The family of Franz Gerhardt Gaede and Rosalia Adeline Tietz, taken in Russia circa 1914. From left to right: Frieda Gaede (age 3), Franz Gaede (age 1), Rosalia Tietz, Franz Gerhardt Gaede, Olga (Boots) Gaede (age 6).

The family of Franz Gerhardt Gaede and Rosalia Adeline Tietz ca.1914, 27 KBytes, 367x480

For the past several years I've been collecting information about my family tree. Not much information, just enough to get an idea of who my great-grandparents were, and how many relatives I really do have. There's been no more research than corralling my immediate family, setting them down beside me in front of the computer, and asking them "So who was his mother? When was he born? Was he married? To whom? Any kids?" and so on, until that particular family member was pleased to escape.

Much of the info on the Gaede family came from Robert Gaede, who very kindly lent me his notes and charts. He also lent me a book on the Gaede family, and I've scanned some pictures that will soon be added to this page. Thanks, Uncle Bobby!

Partly due to having my family tree published on the Internet I have been in contact with other netizens who have found their names on my pages. In particular, I have made contact with a cousin, Klaas Jonkman, who has been invaluable in researching records at the Archives of the Municipality of Groningen. Thank you, Klaas! Another cousin, Bert Krause has offered his genealogy database, which I've combined into this record as well. Thank you, Bert!

On the Russwurm side of the family, Dorothy Morley has unearthed many municipal and church records that have provided a lot of information for this Family Tree. And in the spring of 2005 Janet Russwurm wrote a book, Russwurm Family, that has the most comprehensive genealogical information on the Russwurm Family that exists. I'm still updating my database with names, dates and places from this book. To get a copy, contact:

Janet Russwurm
3650 Island Highway South
Courtenay, BC
CanadaV9N 9T6

Below: Willem Andrew Jonkman, ca 1999

Willem Andrew Jonkman ca 1999, 7 Kbytes,168x224

The database reflects all ancestors of my son, Willem Andrew Jonkman, and all their relatives too. From his family tree leaf you can reach (almost) everyone else in the tree. This means that everyone is connected to everyone else, through Willem's leaf, if nothing else. Of course, there will always be some incompleteness, so let me know if you have more family information.

As well as actual relatives I've also included what genealogy I know of John Brown Russwurm. I'm not sure he's related to Willem's ancestors, but it makes for a cool historical footnote.

If you're included in these pages please let me know of any corrections or additions I can make. If you have substantial additions you may want to get a copy the of GEDCOM database ("jonkruss.ged"), and we can exchange databases

Below: My great-grandfather Jacob Jonkman (back row, left) and his second wife (front row, second from left, name unknown), and others (perhaps family?)

Jacob Jonkman and his family, 25 Kbytes, 636x254

I've also found a few Web sites that have still more information on family members that I hope to include in my database. Some of Willem's ancestors in the Gaede Family are profiled on Ritaren's Gaede Family Page , and some other family are listed on my cousin Bert's site.

^ Software

Program Author Features Web Page
Personal Ancestral File (PAF) Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints This is the main workhorse for my family tree...

Data entry, editor, maintains database, Multimedia Web pages, generates GEDCOM file
GED2HTML Gene Stark and StarkEffect Pedigree trees Web pages by GED2HTML

For data entry I'm using the Personal Ancestral File (PAF) software from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints . I think the LDS invented the GEDCOM interchange file format for genealogy information, and I've found the PAF software the easiest to use.

PAF creates the GEDCOM file which I use with GED2HTML from Gene Stark at to create Web pages which include pedigree trees .