Related pages: [Marketing] [Toolbars] [Bitmaps]
In this page: [Popular Sites]
Mail is unarguably the best mail program for end users. Ever.
It has the richest features, the most flexibility, the lowest
cost, and possibly the highest loyalty amongst users of all
the mail programs "out there". I was motivated to create the
Marketing of Pegasus Mail page
after some discussion on the Pegasus Mail Mailing List. It
was felt that as good as Pegasus Mail is, not enough people
know about it. Dario Truglio offered up a large ASCII Art
picture of Pegasus Mail and that started the ball rolling.
I won't get into an exhaustive support page for Pegasus Mail. That's already been done, and by much better Webmeisters than myself. I'll point you at some of the more popular sites, and then get on with the Pegasus Mail Marketechture.
Looking for a button to place
on your own Web page, or want a spiffy ASCII signature for
the bottom of your e-mail? Check out the Marketing of Pegasus Mail page. If you too
feel that Pegasus Mail could use a boost please contribute a
logo, signature, slogan or button to help market Pegasus
One of the things that makes
Pegasus Mail great is the degree of customization that's
possible. With version 3.x this has extended to the toolbar.
On the Toolbars page you can lift
one of several toolbars designed by others, or learn to roll
your own.
Part of making a toolbar is
selecting a bitmap graphic. In addition to the standard
bitmaps listed in the Pegasus Mail documentation, there are a
large number of other bitmap resources in Pegasus Mail. The
Bitmaps page enumerates them all.
In this page: [Popular Sites]
Related pages: [Marketing] [Toolbars] [Bitmaps]
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All text and pictures Copyright © 1998-2003 SOBAC Microcomputer Services unless otherwise attributed
This page was last updated on Wednesday, 17 March 2004 by Bob Jonkman