Code Files


Generated on Tue Dec 05 17:39:05 Eastern Standard Time 2006 from csis-ldif2api.awk

# Program   : CSIS-LDIF2API.AWK
# Purpose   : Convert LDIF file created by LDAPSEARCH.EXE into an API file for use by GWAPI
#               with modifications especially for CSIS (Children's Services)
# Date      : 11 July 2005
# Author    : Bob Jonkman

function unfold(   currentline)   {     currentline = $0 ;
                                        getline ;
                                        while(substr($0,1,1) ~ "[[:space:]]")
                                            currentline = currentline substr($0,2) ;
                                            getline ;
                                        return(currentline) ;


		    DEPARTMENT = "Community & Neighbourhood Servic"; 	# (GWAPI field length max = 32 char)
		    DIVISION = "Children's Services";			# (GWAPI field length max = 128 char)
		    DistList = "COT-CNS-CHS Childrens Services";		# (DIVISION stripped of punctuation)

# Output the API file headers
	    	print("WPC-API= 1.2; ");
		    print("Header-Char= T50; ");
		    print("Msg-Type= ADMIN; ");

(1)        {
                delete record ;
                while ($0 != "")
                    delete field ;
                    line = unfold() ;  # Ensure we've got the whole multi-line record
                    fieldnameendpos = index(line,":")
                    field[1] = substr(line,1,fieldnameendpos-1)
                    field[2] = substr(line,fieldnameendpos+1)   
                   # split(line, field, ":") ;  # this may result in more than two fields if data contains a colon
                   # print("##### DEBUG ##### field[1]= " field[1]);
                   # print("##### DEBUG ##### field[2]= " field[2]);
                    record[field[1]] = ltrim(field[2]) ;

        	if((match(record["sn"],"[[:digit:]]") == 0) && record["sn"] != "")	# Skip records with a numeric digit in LastName or a blank LastName
                ObjectID = record["uid"] "-" POSTOFFICE ; # Construct ObjectID with POSTOFFICE namespace to avoid duplicates in GW system
				# Location info is in subfields the postaladdress field, delimited by "$"
				Location = "";
				numfields = split(record["postaladdress"],L,"$");
				for(i = 1; i <= numfields ; i++)
                    if(L[i] != "Children's Services Division")  # Don't include redundant info
					    Location = Location L[i] ", ";  # Concatenate Location field 

               # print("##### DEBUG ##### " FNR " EOR");
                print("DS-USER=") ;
                print("  Operation= Add;" ) ;
                print("  Domain= " DOMAIN ";" ) ;
                print("  Post-Office= " POSTOFFICE ";" ) ;
                print("  Object= " ObjectID ";" ) ;
                print("  Visibility= System;" ) ;
                print("  Last-Name= "  substr(record["sn"]                       ,1,40)   ";" ) ;
                print("  First-Name= " substr(record["givenname"]                ,1,32)   ";" ) ;
                print("  Phone= "      substr(record["telephonenumber"]          ,1,32)   ";" ) ;
                print("  Fax= "        substr(record["facsimiletelephonenumber"] ,1,32)   ";" ) ;
                print("  Department= " DEPARTMENT ";"  ) ;                                        # Department
                print("  Title= "      substr(record["title"]                    ,1,32)   ";" ) ;
                print("  User-Def-1= " substr(Location                           ,1,128)  ";" ) ; # Mailstop (Location)
                print("  User-Def-2= " DIVISION ";"  ) ;                                          # Division
                print("  User-Def-3= " substr(record["mobile"]                   ,1,128)  ";" ) ; # Mobile (Cel Phone)
                print("  User-Def-4= " substr(record["pager"]                    ,1,128)  ";" ) ; # Pager
                print("  User-Def-7= " substr(record["ou"]                       ,1,128)  ";" ) ; # Section
                print("  Gw-Alias=" ) ;
                print("    Type= gwia;" ) ;
                print("    External-Name= " record["mail"] ";" ) ;
                print("  ;" ) ;
				print("  Group=");
				print("    Group-Domain= COTPRI;");
				print("    Group-Post-Office= COTADM;");
				print("    Group-Name= " DistList ";");
				print("  ;");
                print("") ;

END 	{	print("-END- ")				# Output the API file footer



1 files processed.