Code Files


Generated on Tue Dec 05 17:39:06 Eastern Standard Time 2006 from GWClientID.awk

# Program   : GWCLIENTID.AWK
# Purpose   : Extract the GW Client Program Release and Date from the HTTP Monitor capture
# Date      : 23 September 2003
# Author    : Bob Jonkman <>

# Copyright 2008 Bob Jonkman and/or SOBAC Microcomputer Services

#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.

# Note      : The input files are saved from the GW POA HTTP Monitor
#             eg.    

# Modified  : 30 June 2006      - Output Network Location (instead of Network Ordinal)
#           :  4 Aug 2006       - Changed lookup of Network Location to use NetRange instead of NetOrdinal
#           :                   - Changed date format to yyyy-mm-dd (RFC3339) for Client Release Date and Login Time
#           : 26 October 2006   - Added "Access Mode" field (from rconn connections)

function getitem(   strng)    {     getline; getline;

          print("\n##### DEBUG ##### $0= " $0 "\n") ; 

                                    strng = substr($0,index($0,">")+1);

function matchnth(string, regexp, nth)  {   matchstring = string
                                                # print("##### DEBUG #####         string= " string "\n")
                                                # print("##### DEBUG #####            nth= " nth "\n")
                                                matchedstring = substr(string,RSTART,RLENGTH)
                                                string = substr(string,RSTART+RLENGTH)
                                                # print("##### DEBUG ##### matchedstring = " matchedstring "\n")
                                                # print("##### DEBUG #####         RSTART= " RSTART "\n")
                                                # print("##### DEBUG #####        RLENGTH= " RLENGTH "\n")
                                                # print("##### DEBUG ##### finalmatchedstring= " matchedstring "\n")
                                                # print("##### DEBUG #####           finalnth= " nth "\n")
                                                # print("##### DEBUG #####        finalRSTART= " RSTART "\n")
                                                # print("##### DEBUG #####       finalRLENGTH= " RLENGTH "\n")

BEGIN    {      ORS="" ;
                QUOTE="\"" ;
                IGNORECASE = 1 ;    # Different versions of the GW POA return field labels with different capitalization *grump*
                CONVFMT = "%i"      # Ensure that strtonum() results in an integer, not exponential notation
                idomain = "" ;

# Output Field Names:    
            field[0]   = "Postoffice"
            field[1]   = "GroupWise User ID"
            field[2]   = "Login Name"
            field[3]   = "User IP Address"
            field[4]   = "Login Time"
            field[5]   = "User Platform"
            field[6]   = "GroupWise Client Release"
            field[7]   = "Client Release Date"
            field[8]   = "Proxied User ID"
            field[9]   = "IPOrdinal"
            field[10]  = "BU" 
            field[11]  = "Network Location"
            field[12]  = "Domain"
            field[13]  = "Access Mode"

            for(i=0; i<=13; i++)
                 print(printcsv(field[i]) "," )

            print("\n") ;

            delete field

#####                                      #####
#####    Read Network Location             #####
#####                                      #####

# Structure of "NetworkLocations.txt" is
# NetmaskBits,Netmask,Network,Location,NetOrdinal,Netrange
#   Field 1.  NetmaskBits
#   Field 2.  Netmask
#   Field 3.  Network
#   Field 4   Location
#   Field 5.  NetOrdinal
#   Field 6.  NetRange

                getline < "NetworkLocations.txt"

                while ( getline < "NetworkLocations.txt")
# print("##### DEBUG ##### NR=" NR " $0=" $0 "\n") ;
                    networklocation[networklocationrecords   ,"Location"]   = rawnetloc[4]
                    networklocation[networklocationrecords   ,"NetOrdinal"] = strtonum(rawnetloc[5])
                    networklocation[networklocationrecords++ ,"NetRange"]   = strtonum(rawnetloc[6])   # increment counter AFTER using it!!!

# for(i=0;i<=networklocationrecords;i++) print("\n##### DEBUG ##### i=" i " Loc=" networklocation[i,"Location"] " NetOrdinal=" networklocation[i,"NetOrdinal"] " NetRange=" networklocation[i,"NetRange"])

#####     End Read Network Location        #####


!(FNR % 1000)   {   print(FILENAME, FNR "\n") > "/dev/stderr" ;

#                {   print("\n##### DEBUG #### $0=" $0 "\n") }

/<TITLE>/       {   namestart = substr($0,index($0,"-") + 2)

# print("##### DEBUG ##### " namestart "\n" ) 
                    dotpos = index(namestart,".") 
                    postoffice  = substr(namestart,0,dotpos-1) ;    # Postoffice
                    domain = substr(namestart,dotpos+1,index(namestart," ")-dotpos) ; # Domain

/HEIGHT=11/    {
 print("##### DEBUG ##### Hit on 'HEIGHT=11'\n") ;
                    if(field[1])  # Do not print blank records 
                        print(printcsv(postoffice) ",")     # postoffice cannot be in field[], it's retrieved only once per file
                        for(i=1; i<=11; i++)
                            print(printcsv(field[i]) "," )

                        print(domain "\n")                  # domain cannot be in field[], see above
                    delete field    # Clear array in case the next record has blank fields


/GroupWise User ID/ {

print("##### DEBUG ##### hit on 'GroupWise User ID'\n");

                        field[1] = getitem()

                        if ( leftbracketpos = index(field[1],"(") )            # brackets indicate there's a proxied mailbox
                            field[8] = gwid2smtp(substr(field[1],leftbracketpos+1,index(field[1],")")-leftbracketpos-1)) idomain
                            field[1] = substr(field[1],0,leftbracketpos-3);                
                        field[1] = gwid2smtp(field[1]) idomain 
 print ("##### DEBUG ##### 'GroupWise User ID' field[1]=" field[1] " field[8]=" field[8] "\n") ;

/Login Name/        {   field[2] = getitem()
#                        print("\n##### DEBUG ##### field[2]= " field[2] "\n")
                        dot = index(field[2],".")
                        field[10] = dot ? reverse(substr(field[2],dot+1),".","_") : "" ;        # BU - Blank string if there is no dot
                        field[2] = dot ? substr(field[2],1,dot-1) : field[2]   ;                # Login Name - Entire field if there is no dot

/User IP Address/   {   field[3] = getitem()
                        # Determine the IPOrdinal for this IP address...
                        field[9] = ipaddress[1]*16777216 + ipaddress[2]*65536 + ipaddress[3]*256 + ipaddress[4]

                        # Find this ipordinal in the networklocation table by brute force
                        for(counter = 0; (field[9] > networklocation[counter,"NetRange"]) || (counter > networklocationrecords) ; counter++)
                            ;   # do nothing, we're just finding the correct counter for this IPOrdinal

# print("\n##### DEBUG ##### counter=" counter " networklocation[counter,NetRange]=" networklocation[counter,"NetRange"] " field[9]=" field[9] "\n")

                        if (field[9] >= networklocation[counter,"NetOrdinal"] && field[9] <= networklocation[counter,"NetRange"])
                            {   field[11] = networklocation[counter,"Location"]    

/Login Time/        {   field[4] = getitem()    #  in "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss" format
                        split(field[4],datetime," ")
                        field[4] = date[3] "-" date[1] "-" date[2] " " datetime[2]  # in "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss" format (space is allowed as a separator in RFC3339, we have no TZ)


/User platform/     {   # field[5] = tolower(substr(getitem(),1,3))     # Truncate to three lowercase characters; different POA versions return different formats for Platform
                        field[5] = getitem()

/Access Mode/       {
    print("##### DEBUG ##### Hit on 'Access Mode'\n") ;
                        field[13] = getitem() ;
                        # field[5] = "Batch Remote"       # Put Batch Remote into User Platform field (omit from Old Clients)

/GroupWise Client Release/    {     field[6] = rtrim(getitem());                    # field[6] = Client Release ('unx' release number trails a space)
                                # print("##### DEBUG ##### $0= " $0 "\n") ;         
                                field[7] = matchnth($0,"(>[\\- 0-9.ßB]*<)",3) ;     # field[7] = Client Release Date in  m-d-yyyy format
                                field[7] = substr(field[7],2,length(field[7])-2)    # trim angle brackets

# print("##### DEBUG ##### field[7]=" field[7] " date[1]=" date[1] " date[2]=" date[2] " date[3]=" date[3])
                                field[7] = date[3] "-" rstring("00" date[1],2) "-" rstring("00" date[2],2)  # Convert to yyyy-mm-dd format


END     {   print("=====\n") 
            print("Total," total "\n") 


1 files processed.