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Revision as of 04:08, 25 March 2019

(KWNPSA Upcoming Events)
(KWNPSA Past Events)
(KWNPSA Meeting Notes on one page)
(KWNPSA Requested Topics)

Upcoming meetings of the KW Non-Profit System Administrator's group:


Monday, 13 May 2019 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm iCal
Meetup Event
*** Room 1300 *** -- Conrad Grebel University College, 140 Westmount Rd. N., Waterloo, Ontario Map

Is your Non-Profit an educational organization? As its main function? Or is teaching one of many services you offer? What do you teach? How do you teach it? Do you have classrooms? With computers? What software do you use for teaching in the classroom? Do you have online courses? What online software do you use online? How do you establish your curriculum? How do you perform evaluations? How do you track student progress? Do you work with other educational institutions? Other certifying agencies? What constraints to they impose on your teaching programs?

We'll have a demonstration of Moodle by Marc Paré and perhaps a representative from KW's Desire To Learn. And, of course, we'll have a Round Table discussion on how each of us are managing our organizations education needs.

--Marc Paré & Bob Jonkman

Collaborative Work Space

Monday, 8 April 2019 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm iCal
Meetup Event
xxxxx URL to meetup.com
*** Room 1300 *** -- Conrad Grebel University College, 140 Westmount Rd. N., Waterloo, Ontario Map

xxxxx Description goes here.

--Bob Jonkman & Marc Paré


Link Text

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(KWNPSA Upcoming Events)
(KWNPSA Past Events)
(KWNPSA Meeting Notes on one page)
(KWNPSA Requested Topics)