Blockchains/Meeting Notes 2017-04-10

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Monday, 10 April 2017
Event Announcement
Communitech Jelly Bean Room 1st Floor, 151 Charles Street West, Kitchener, Ontario Map

What's a blockchain? Is this all about math? How do I make Bitcoin payments? How can I receive Bitcoin donations on my Website? Are there other blockchain currencies? What services exist for blockchain currency exchange? Is blockchain technology good for more than just Bitcoin? What blockchain tools exist for Non-Profit organizations?

Marc and Bob ask the questions, and special guest Kris Stinson will be on hand to provide the answers!

See you at the meeting!

--Marc and Bob.

Video: Familiarization with Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies (courtesy of Gheorghe Curelet)

  • Today we're joined by guest Kris Stinson (@StinsonKris on Twitter)
  • Lots of media attention, "blockchain this, blockchain that", they're trying to sell you a database
    • Microsoft, IBM, governments (even Canada: Cancoin)
  • Banks are threatened, unregulated currency (scary!)
  • Japan has approved Bitcoin as a currency (legal tender)
  • Legal (tax) ramifications: Capital Gains.


Types of blockchain currency

  • CryptoCurrency Market Capitalizations
  • Augur - a "betting" site; deals with contracts
  • Based on Ethereum
  • DAO - Decentralized Autonomous Organization
    • eg. Ethereum
    • A decision by this DAO split Ethereum into Ethereum and Ethereum Classic
    • Now there are miners working on both branches of the blockchain
    • "The mining network" determines whether a fork of the blockchain can happen

How does the blockchain determine "truth"?

    • The longest chain wins
  • "Rolling back the chain"
    • database
    • miners

Quantum computers?

    • Will change the game!
  • Winkelvoss brothers
    • Own over 50% of bitcoin?
    • This is a problem, they can determine the validity of transactions


  • Wallets are Public/Private Key encryption containers

Other blockchain technologies

    • Don't trust The Cloud?
    • Authentication
    • Filesystems

90 minutes was far too short to cover all aspects of Blockchain Technology; we'll invite Kris Stinson back someday.