KWNPSA Requested Topics

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Revision as of 19:59, 8 May 2017 by BobJonkman (talk | contribs) (Added malware)
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These are some of the topic ideas raised at previous meetings

  • Corporate Surveillance (2016-08-15)
    • (this may not have been an actual topic request)
  • Accessibility rules (2016-11-14)
  • Document storage formats (ODS, etc.) (2016-11-14)
    • could be combined with document management systems
  • Project Management Software (2017-01-16)
  • Monetization - How can a Non-Profit organization raise money from their services? (2017-02-13)
  • Mail Management - how do we deal with spam, blocklists, and mail providers that don't play fair? (2017-02-16)
    • from correspondence between Marc and Bob
  • Colocation site field trip (2017-02-16)
  • Collaborative Work Space field trip (2017-02-17)
  • Bitcoin and other digital currencies (2017-04-10) (follow-up from Blockchains)
  • Creating a Web Store / Checkout Basket (2017-04-10)
  • Ransomware / Malware - prevention? (2017-05-08)


  • Branding - Names, logos, slogans (2017-02-13) Scheduled for 2017-03-13
  • Block chain systems (2016-11-14) Scheduled for 2017-04-10
    • Book: London Review of Books had two stories by the same author Andrew O’Hagen
    • Ethereum (a programming environment built on top of Block Chain)