KWNPSA Upcoming Events

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Upcoming meetings of the KW Non-Profit System Administrator's group:


Monday, 21 August 2017 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Event Announcement iCal
Communitech Jelly Bean Room 1st Floor, 151 Charles Street West, Kitchener, Ontario Map

How can a Non-Profit organization raise money from their services? Can a Not-For-Profit organization make a profit? Why do some NonProfit organizations have separate corporate entities for fundraising and their core business? How do NonProfit SysAdmins manage crowdfunding? How does monetization affect NonProfit status? How does monetization affect legislation concerning mailing lists? What does the NonProfit SysAdmin need to know to enable monetization on the Internet? What software exists to enable monetization?

Join us to discuss these and other ideas for monetization.

--Marc Paré & Bob Jonkman


To Be Determined
Meetup Event
To Be Determined. This may be a field trip to a colocation site!

Where are your servers? Is that really safe? Have you thought about professional hosting at a colocation site? What's a colocation site? Who offers colocation services? What services do colocation sites offer? How much will all this cost? Can I still come visit my server when it's been placed in a colocation site?

Bob and Marc have questions, and ---- of ---- will provide the answers!

See you at the meeting!

--Bob and Marc

KWNPSA Requested Topics