KitCon AGM Meeting Notes 2018-03-15

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Kitchener--Conestoga CA and EDA Annual General Meeting

15 March 2018 at 7:00pm
Kennedy's Tavern, 1750 Erb’s Road, St. Agatha, Ontario Map
Elisabeth Honek, Patrick McDonald, Bryan Izzard, David Weber, Laurel Russwurm, Bob Jonkman

General business

  • Reminder to all lapsed members to renew their memberships in order to vote.
  • Clarifications and corrections
    • Green Party members from outside the CA or EDA can run for any executive position except President or Chief Executive Officer
    • Candidate nominees cannot hold an executive position in an association in which they have declared themselves a candidate nominee for a pending election, however, they can run for an executive position in an association while they're a candidate nominee in another association.

Executive elections

  • Elections will be run by Single Transferable vote to elect up to six executive members; elected members will decide by consensus amongst themselves which executive positions to hold. However, since attendance is less than the slate of positions any declared executive position nominees will be acclaimed.

Kitchener--Conestoga Green Party of Ontario Consitituents Association

  • Elected by acclamation and appointed by consensus:
    • President: Elisabeth Honek
    • Chief Financial Officer: Bryan Izzard
    • Principal Officers – Executive At Large:
      • David Weber
      • Laurel Russwurm

Kitchener—Conestoga Green Party of Canada Association

  • Elected by acclamation and appointed by consensus:
    • Chief Executive Officer: Bob Jonkman
    • Financial Agent: Bryan Izzard
    • Principal Officers – Executive At Large:
      • Elisabeth Honek
      • Patrick McDonald
      • David Weber
      • Laurel Russwurm

Candidate Nominations for the 42nd Ontario Provincial Election

  • Candidate nominees (declared, or soon to be declared):
    • Patrick McDonald
    • Bob Jonkman
  • A Candidate Nomination Contest date has not yet been established by the GPO.
  • A Returning Officer for the Candidate Nomination Contest needs to be appointed
    • By consensus, David Weber will be the Returning Officer, as he is the only member not in the KitCon CA area, and so has no conflicts.
    • David will contact the GPO to push for a Candidate Nomination Contest
    • 5 April 2018 preferred (before the Elmira Maple Syrup Festival)
    • 25 April 2018 as an alternate date

Other business

Elmira Maple Syrup Festival

  • KitCon Greens have an info table and button-making activities Map
  • Bob and Laurel will make their driveway available for parking 2 or 3 (small) cars during the Elmira Maple Syrup Festival:
    • 6 James Street; Map
    • An additional parking spot will be available for Mike Schreiner's entourage; location uncertain at this time

Meeting notes taken by Bob Jonkman