KWPeace 2018 Spring

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26 March 2018 from 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Peace and Justice Room, Stirling Avenue Mennonite Church, 57 Stirling Avenue North, Kitchener Map
Laura Hamilton: Divest Waterloo, Food Not Bombs, Faith and the Common Good
Cathy Scott: Fair Vote Waterloo
Sharon Sommerville: KW Council of Canadians, Alliance Against Poverty
Dwyer Sullivan: Educators 4 Justice, Camp Micah, Conscience Canada
Sue Klassen: Stirling Avenue Mennonite Church, Peace and Justice Working Group, Grand Valley Institute outreach, Alternatives to Violence
Victor Klassen:
Gehan Sabry: Cross Cultures Magazine
Lynn Schulze: Crossing Borders Program
Alejandra: Crossing Borders Program
Bob Jonkman: Green Party, WR Nonviolence, KWPeace

Meeting Notes

Groups Reports

Fair Vote Waterloo

  • Electoral Reform is on hiatus, it is not active at the government level
  • FairvoteWRC is still doing education
  • No petition, but has a form to pledge to vote only for a party with a commitment to Proportional Representation

KW Council of Canadians

  • Primary campaign is water

Alliance Against Poverty

  • Political Action Campaign to implement Free Transit
    • First steps: Get Free Transit for low income people

Educators For Justice

  • Speaker Candice spoke on native justice at Conrad Grebel University on Friday

Conscience Canada

  • Promotes the divestment of 8.9% tax used to fund Canadian military to be used for other purposes
  • Saturday, 7 April 2018 at 3:30pm is Conscience Canada AGM; Tamara Lorincz will be speaking on Canadian military spending and the effects on climate change.

English Catholic Teachers

  • Social Justice for Human Rights

Crossing Borders

  • A group of refugees and students, coming together to break down barriers
  • Have done 100 presentations to schools, organizations!
  • Workshops with 16 kids, presented to City Hall, schools, &c.
  • Partnering with Mennonite Coalition for Refugee Support (MCRS)
  • Working on a partnership with CJI
  • Have received grants (maybe can provide some experience for the Social Develop Centre's Community Hub initiative)
  • Jeremy Horne has been their fundraiser
  • 10 years of Crossing Borders
    • Started by kids, from program during Human Rights Week

Other Notes

  • Alejandra is a refugee from Colombia
    • Got permanent residency through Humanitarian and Compassionate grounds
    • The Refugee Board and Immigration Board don't communicate; she was still receiving notices after getting permanent residency
    • How to get employment as a refugee? Kitchener Waterloo Multicultural Centre