Software Testing
Software Testing
- Date
- Monday, 8 April 2019 Year from 7:00pm to 9:00pm
- Meetup Event
- Location
- Room 1300 -- Conrad Grebel University College, 140 Westmount Rd. N., Waterloo, Ontario Map
If you work in software development, how much of your job involves testing? If you're a project manager, do you work closely with the testers to keep an eye on their results and bug reports as a project progresses? If you are a developer, do you do your own unit testing and work with testers on test plan reviews and fix the bugs they find when they do integration and regression testing? If you are a software tester, how do you balance the need to be thorough with the need to deliver on time? How does that affect writing test plans? When a project team has to deal with a lot of changes in the middle of development and testing, how do you cope with updating test plans with limited time? Since you should be considerate when reporting bugs in software, especially when people have worked hard on it, how can you do this tactfully? How do testers work with people like technical writers who use test plans as a reference when writing documentation like user manuals?
Nicholas Collins, a long-time member of KWNSPA and a professional software tester will give us an overview of the deep art of testing software.
--Bob Jonkman & Marc Paré
TechSoup Canada catalogue: Developer Software
OBS Project - software that is good for capturing videos of tests including drop menus
One of James Bach's talks on YouTube