Puff Pastry Dough (Bladerdeeg)

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Bladerdeeg, known in English as "Puff Pastry", and in French as "Mille Feuilles" is the basis for all kinds of festive baking.


  • 500g flour
  • 100g butter for dough
  • 10g salt
  • 275g cold water
  • 350g butter for layering


  • Cut 100g butter into small chunks
  • Mix all ingredients except 350g butter in a bowl
    • Using an electric handmixer with dough hooks
    • Mix quickly, and not too long, or the dough will become tough instead of flaky
  • Knead briefly to ensure everything is mixed
  • Roll out to about 20cm square
  • Place 350g butter in centre of dough
  • Fold over edges of dough to envelop the butter
  • Roll out to 20cm square
  • Let the dough package relax in the fridge about 30m

  • Roll out to 20cm by 80cm
  • Fold over into quarters (back to 20cm square)
  • Rotate dough 1/4 turn
  • Repeat (Roll, Fold, Rotate)
    • This produces 4x4 = 16 layers
  • Let the dough package relax in the fridge for an hour

  • Repeat the above steps two more times
    • This produces 16x16x16 = 4096 layers

Based on the instructions from Cees Holtman on YouTube:

YouTube: Cees Holtman: Bladerdeeg