FairvoteWRC Discussion Night 2019-11-27

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Wednesday, 27 November 2019
Civic Hub WR, 23 Water Street North, Kitchener
Terry Henderson, Laurel Russwurm, Margaret Neigh, Jim Sannes, Ellen Papenberg, Evan Rosamond, Jon Cassels, Jay Judkowitz, Sharon Sommerville, Cathy Scott, Myron Steinman, Cathe Campbell, David Arthur, Owen Bradley, Stuart Chandler, David Lubell, Mary Jackes, Corliss Olsen, David Dirks, Bob Jonkman.
Jim Hemphill and Duncan Spence from Fair Vote Halton, here to learn about setting up a Fair Vote chapter.


David Dirks led the discussion on PR4PR, Jay Judkowitz made the presentation on "Moral Framing".

  • When presenting the ideas of Electoral Reform we should use a "moral framing" to avoid our intrinsic biases that shut out conversation.
  • Also, we need to avoid "linguistic traps" that direct the conversation towards dead ends.
  • See David's attached document that links to some other resources.
  • These ideas seem to have worked for Bob Jonkman when staffing info tables.
  • We need to use the tools that work -- different ways of connecting work for different people.
  • Quebec's disproportionate Bloc presence is an example: Conservatives are not represented, yet there are Conservative voters in Quebec.
  • It is difficult to connect with people's core values when they differ from our own. This presents as "Right vs. Left".
  • Should we change our fundamental language to evoke emotions or moral framing?
  • Change our approach at info tables to open converstations -- use a questionnaire? open thoughts?

How to approach this? Two or three people will meet and prepare something for our January Discussion Night (Wednesday, 29 January 2020).

  • Jay Judkowitz, Corliss Olson, Cathy Scott, Owen Bradley (OK, so that's four people...)

Member of Parliament visit updates

  • Corliss Olson, David Dirks, and Jay Judkowitz to meet with Marwan Tabbara (Liberal, Kitchener South--Hespeler)on 18 December 2019 to introduce him to the idea of a Citizens' Assembly on Electoral Reform, and to get his support.
  • Owen Bradley and a team from the Mike Morrice Green Party campaign spoke with Raj Saini (Liberal, Kitchener Centre). Mr. Saini has not closed discussion on Proportional Representation, but his position in Parliament is not strong. He said he is "powerless"... He received the Fair Vote Canada literature on Citizens' Assemblies, but said that we've already had the ERRE committee. He needs details on resources and the setup of a Citizens' Assembly. Owen and Anita Nickerson to follow up.
    • Is there support for a Citizens' Assembly (or electoral reform) in the Liberal Cabinet? Mr. Saini can't name anyone. There is skepticism about Citizens' Assemblies.
    • Fair Vote Canada is not going to provide direction to the government. The government (and maybe consulting agencies) need to create the mechanisms for a Citizens' Assembly.
  • Jim Hemphill shows us the 2004 Law Commission Report in book format. It lists 12 different proportional representation systems, but offers no summary or recommendations.
  • In the Conservative caucus, Greg McLean (CPC, Calgary Centre) is sympathetic to electoral reform.
  • Sharon Sommerville also met with Raj Saini, and tried to connect poverty with electoral reform. Mr. Saini said "There's nothing I can do"; Sharon will connect again in the spring.
  • David Arthur and Terry Henderson will arrange a meeting with Bardish Chagger (Liberal, Waterloo)
  • Bob Jonkman, Laurel Russwurm, Stu Chandler, and Angie (?) will arrange a meeting with Tim Louis (Liberal, Kitchener--Conestoga). We will ask Shannon Purves-Smith to accompany.
  • Cambridge? Bob Jonkman will ask people from Cambridge Green Drinks next week about setting up a meeting with Brian May (Liberal, Cambridge).

  • Perhaps we in Fair Vote have become jaded with politicians -- do we gain anything by disbelieving what MPs say?

Web server

  • Bob Jonkman will meet with Aden Seaman to arrange for the migration of the FairvoteWRC website http://fairvotewrc.ca to a commercial server. Aden is also treasurer, and will make funds available to purchase services. Jay Judkowitz will research top-tier webhosts.

Kitchener Centre Provincial Liberal Association presentation

  • David Dirks has been approached by Troy from the KCPLA to make a presentation on Fair Vote Waterloo (but not on the mechanics of proportional representation). David will visit the KCPLA on 5 February 2020 or 4 March 2020 at the Stanley Park Library. Owen Bradley, Cathy Scott and Byron Weber Becker may accompany him.

Ontario Liberal Leadership Race

  • Kate Graham, a candidate in the Ontario Liberal Leadership race has come out in favour of electoral reform. Alvin Tedjo has expressed an interest in learning more.
  • Fair Vote members can get involved (purchase a membership) to vote in the Liberal leadership race.

  • Peggy Satler (Provincial NDP, London West) has been appointed the NDP Critic for Democratic Reform.


  • The Fair Vote Waterloo Holiday Party will be held at Cathy Scott's house on Thursday, 12 December 2019, starting at 7-ish.

  • Cathy thanked Jim Hemphill and Duncan Spence for coming. Jim distributed wallet cards with "Proportional representation math". Good to have as conversation starters!

Notes taken by Bob Jonkman.