Banquet Roll (Banketstaaf)

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A traditional Dutch seasonal pastry, from a fusion of traditional Dutch spice filling and French Mille Feuille pastry, developed circa 1850 when the French invaded the Netherlands.



  • Puff Pastry dough (Bladerdeeg)
  • Almond Paste (Amandelspijs)
  • Egg yolk
  • Milk
  • Water
  • Apricot jam
  • Candied cherries

Prepare 250g Puff Pastry Dough (Bladerdeeg)

Bladerdeeg, known in English as "Puff Pastry", and in French as "Mille Feuilles" is the basis for all kinds of festive baking.


  • 500g flour
  • 100g butter for dough
  • 10g salt
  • 275g cold water
  • 350g butter for layering

(yield abt 1kg bladerdeeg)


  • Cut 100g butter into small chunks
  • Mix all ingredients except 350g butter in a bowl
    • Using an electric handmixer with dough hooks
    • Mix quickly, and not too long, or the dough will become tough instead of flaky
  • Knead briefly to ensure everything is mixed
  • Roll out to about 20cm square
  • Place 350g butter in centre of dough
  • Fold over edges of dough to envelop the butter
  • Roll out to 20cm square
  • Let the dough package relax in the fridge about 30m

  • Roll out to 20cm by 80cm
  • Fold over into quarters (back to 20cm square)
  • Rotate dough 1/4 turn
  • Repeat (Roll, Fold, Rotate)
    • This produces 4x4 = 16 layers
  • Let the dough package relax in the fridge for an hour

  • Repeat the above steps two more times
    • This produces 16x16x16 = 4096 layers

Based on the instructions from Cees Holtkamp on YouTube:

YouTube: Cees Holtkamp: Bladerdeeg

Prepare 350g Almond Paste (Amandelspijs)

A Dutch confection used in festive baked goods. From my mom's favourite cook book that's older than I am.

Pages 330-331 from the Dutch cookbook from Margriet, circa 1954.


  • 125 grams almonds
  • 125 grams sugar
  • 1 large egg
  • Some lemon zest

(yields 250g almond paste)


  • In a saucepan, cover almonds with cold water, bring to a boil
  • Remove from heat as soon as the water boils, let cool
  • Peel the skins from the almonds
  • Grind the almonds in an almond mill (or food processor)
  • Add the remaining ingredients
  • Re-grind the combined mass (or re-process to a paste)
  • Place the so-called "spice" in a sealed container with a damp cloth, leave overnight or for several days

Creating the Banketstaaf

Pages 330-331 from the Dutch cookbook from Margriet, circa 1954.
  • Roll the dough to a thickness of 2-3mm, about 8 1/2cm long
  • Form the almond paste into rolls about 8cm long
  • Wrap the dough around the almond paste
    • There should be some overlap, seal by moistening with water
    • The seam should be near the bottom, so that there is a double layer of dough on the bottom. Ensure the seam is visible at the bottom of the roll
  • Brush a cookie sheet (or teflon baking sheet) with water
    • (not butter or oil, that will make the roll leak)
  • Brush the egg yolk and milk mixture all over the roll, right to the bottom
  • Let the yolk mixure dry
  • Brush additional egg yolk mixture on the top of the roll
  • Bake in a 200C - 220C (400F - 430F) oven for 40 minutes
  • Dilute the apricot jam half-and-half with water
  • Brush on the Banketstaaf
  • Garnish with candied cherries

Based on the recipe in Oma's Kook Boek, and Cees Holtkamp on YouTube:

YouTube: De Banketletter van Cees Holtkamp