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== [[KW Linuxfest/Meeting-2017-10-27|IRL Meeting on Friday, 27 October 2017]] ==
== [[KW Linuxfest/Meeting-2017-10-27]] ==
:'''When''': 27 October 2017 from 8:00pm to 9:00pm {{ical|url=https://sobac.com/owncloud/s/HgmWQARgiWv6j4q/download?path=%2F&files=KW%20Linuxfest%20Organizational%20Meeting%20schedule.ics}}
; When: Friday, 27 October 2017 from 8:00pm to 9:00pm {{ical|url=https://sobac.com/owncloud/s/HgmWQARgiWv6j4q/download?path=%2F&files=KW%20Linuxfest%20Organizational%20Meeting%20schedule.ics}}
:'''Where''': Mumble: mumble://kwvoip.ca/KW%20Linuxfest
; Where: Mumble: mumble://kwvoip.ca/KW%20Linuxfest
; Previous meeting: [[KW Linuxfest/Meeting-2017-10-04]]
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[[Category:KW Linuxfest]]
[[Category:KW Linuxfest/Past Organizational Meetings]]

Latest revision as of 16:47, 13 December 2017

KW Linuxfest/Meeting-2017-10-27

Friday, 27 October 2017 from 8:00pm to 9:00pm iCal
Mumble: mumble://kwvoip.ca/KW%20Linuxfest
Previous meeting
KW Linuxfest/Meeting-2017-10-04



for this meeting (in order of urgency)

  • Venue confirmed (cjm)
  • Call For Sponsors sent (cjm)
  • Grant application prepared (Marc)
  • Mail working (MX record) (cjm)

New Items

  • Add your agenda items here (it's a Wiki!)

Meeting Notes

Participants: Colin J. Mills, Bob Jonkman, Marc Paré
Audio File: (27.56 MBytes, 31m06s)
  • Confirmed! Conestoga College
  • We have the lecture hall (200 seats?)
  • Also the cafeteria as the Exhibit Hall and for lunch
    • Exhibit Hall will be closed during presentations
  • Audio support in the lecture hall?
    • Colin will meet with hardware (A/V) people when school resumes
    • No live streaming this year, maybe for KW Linuxfest 2019!
      • But at a different venue (Conestoga College will want to brand anything produced there)
  • Colin spoke with potential sponsor Clearpath, uncertain response
    • Colin has other contacts he will reach out to (Vehikl, his computer program at Conestoga College, &c.)
  • Marc has contacts with sponsors or funders
    • Do we have a list of sponsors?
  • Are there photos of previous years? Funders like that kind of thing
  • Funders will need a budget
    • Marc will prepare one based on anticipated expenses and revenues
  • Keep a list on the Wiki for groups that have been approached for
    1. Sponsorships or Funding
    2. Exhibitor
Mail Server
  • Colin has set the MX record for kwlinuxfest.ca to sobac.com
    • DNS propagation is taking its time
  • Mailing list for organizers is mailto:organizers@kwlinuxfest.ca
  • What happened to the server hosting the mail system for kwlinuxfest.ca?
    • Colin will check with Sean Howard
Web Site
  • Registration page will be available by the end of November
  • Admission will be $10 in advance
    • Proceeds to go lunch, advertising, future promotional material (eg. banner)
  • Food purchases have to come from Chartwell (Conestoga's food supplier)
    • Colin will check with Chartwell
    • Food order is paid after the event, so we can have flexible orders
  • Call for Exhibitors will go out as soon as online registration is available (Mid-November)
    • Will allow exhibitor groups to direct their members to registration site
  • We've been pretty quiet on social media
    • We should increase retweets, replies, faves, &c.
  • Poster: Artist needs dimensions: Folio (17" x 11")
  • Banner: Laurel Russwurm may have a line on inexpensive banners
    • Bob will check with Laurel for cost, supplier name
    • Banner should not be specific to this year's event
      • eg. no year, date, location
  • Marc will approach groups (sponsors?) to get stickers
  • We should have a "Swag Kit" -- something to give to attendees
    • Stickers, tote bag...
    • Get from banner vendor? Bob will check
    • Marc will check with VistaPrint, they sometimes have promotional pricing
    • Colin will follow up with artist for promotional material
    • Marc will have a button maker
    • Colin will scope out other vendors for promotional items
Code of Conduct
  • Needs to be complete before registration opens,
  • Will base CoC on BSDCan's
  • Keep it simple, don't be too specific -- we don't want miscreants to say their specific malactions aren't listed

Text Channel

[7:26 PM] Connecting to server kwvoip.ca.
[7:26 PM] Connected.
[7:26 PM] Welcome message:
Welcome to the KWVoIP server running Murmur.
Enjoy your stay!

[7:26 PM] Recording started
[7:50 PM] BobJonkman connected.
[7:50 PM] BobJonkman moved in from KWVoIP - Kitchener Waterloo Voice over IP Users Group by the server.
[7:51 PM] (Channel) BobJonkman: hello
[7:56 PM] cjm connected.
[7:56 PM] cjm entered channel.
[8:00 PM] (Channel) BobJonkman: https://sobac.com/wiki/KW_Linuxfest/Meeting-2017-10-04
[8:02 PM] (Channel) BobJonkman: https://sobac.com/wiki/KW_Linuxfest/Meeting-2017-10-27
[8:12 PM] Marc connected.
[8:13 PM] Marc entered channel.
[8:15 PM] (Channel) BobJonkman: https://sobac.com/wiki/KW_Linuxfest/Meeting-2017-10-27
[8:31 PM] (Channel) BobJonkman: https://sobac.com/owncloud/apps/gallery/s/HgmWQARgiWv6j4q#2017-01-28%20KWLinuxfest%20Pictures
[8:32 PM] (Channel) cjm: https://www.bsdcan.org/2018/harassment.php
[8:50 PM] (Channel) BobJonkman: https://sobac.com/wiki/WatCamp
[8:52 PM] cjm disconnected.
[8:52 PM] BobJonkman disconnected.