KW Linuxfest/Meeting-2017-05-31

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Mumble Meeting of 31 May 2017


  • Where to hold it. (Conestoga College Again This year )
  • Funding ( I am happy to put up some of the funds but I know we had talked about it.)
  • Attendance (How to increase)
  • Payment at the door or online.
  • Call for papers on June 10th

Meeting Notes

Participants: Colin J. Mills; Mark Paré; BobJonkman
Audio: (25m45s, 21.6 MB, Play)
  • Venue?
    • Vehikl worked well
    • Colin is back at school, so Conestoga College is better
    • Colin will arrange booking, forms to fill in, &c
  • Funding
    • There will be a registration fee of $5.00 to $10.00
    • Marc will investigate funding from "Kitchener Waterloo Foundation"
    • Payment?
      • Online: encourages people to come once registered; ensure payments are actually received
    • Expenses?
      • Printing?
      • Rental Venue? No, college is no cost.
      • Pizza and coffee need to be paid
      • Marketing?
        • Posters on lampposts?
        • Marc will cover marketing and expenses
  • Attendance?
    • Was sparse last year
    • Don't cap registrations, it discourages people from registering if it appears full
    • In marketing materials and registration forms indicate there's a maximum, but continue to accept registrations anyway
  • What worked, what didn't?
    • Past year (2017) talks were more interesting
    • Interactive presentations?
    • Time allocations? Presentations, then workshops (so they can run over)
    • What kinds of workshops? Put request for workshops in Call For Papers
    • CFP to be released on 10 June
    • Multiple streams? Presentations and workshops
      • Needs more attendance (30+)
    • Model on Software Freedom Day?

(Meeting Notes editing in progress)

Text Channel

[7:44 PM] Connecting to server
[7:44 PM] Connected.
[7:44 PM] Welcome message:
Welcome to this server running Murmur.
Enjoy your stay!

[7:52 PM] To Root:

[7:59 PM] (Channel) cjm: * Where to hold it. (Conestoga College Again This year )

* Funding ( I am happy to put up some of the funds but I know we had talked about it.)

* Attendance (How to increase)

* Payment at the door or online.

* Call for papers on June 10th

[8:07 PM] (Channel) Marc: --- online tickets

[8:13 PM] To Root:

[8:28 PM] To Root:

[8:32 PM] cjm disconnected.
[8:32 PM] Marc disconnected.
[8:33 PM] Recording stopped