KWNPSA Upcoming Events

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Upcoming meetings of the KW Non-Profit System Administrator's group:

Project Management

Monday, 18 September 2017 from 7:00pm to 8:30pm
Event Announcement
Communitech Jelly Bean Room 1st Floor, 151 Charles Street West, Kitchener, Ontario Map

What is Project Management? How do SysAdmins provide support to Project Managers? What kind of projects directly affect SysAdmins? Do Non-Profit SysAdmins manage projects? What tools are available for project management? What server-based software exists for project management? Who provides outsourced project management? What standards exist for project management? What certification?

Let's bring together SysAdmins and Project Managers to discuss the state of the art. As always, we'll have round table discussion to ask questions, provide expertise, and share stories of past experiences.

--Bob Jonkman & Marc Paré

Markup Languages and Note Taking

Monday, 16 October 2017 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm
(Thanksgiving! Scheduled for the 2nd non-holiday Monday of the month)
Event Announcement
Communitech Jelly Bean Room 1st Floor, 151 Charles Street West, Kitchener, Ontario Map

How do you take notes? What software exists for note taking? What markup language is best for taking notes? Are your notes available on your phone or tablet? How do you synchronize them? How do you publish your notes online? When is it better to use a Note Taking application rather than a proper Word Processor?

This month we invite all the devotees of MarkDown, WikiText, MoinMoin, YAML, and LaTeX to contribute to the discussion at our round table.

--Marc Paré & Bob Jonkman

Document Storage

Monday, 13 November 2017 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Meetup Event
Queen Street Commons Cafe, 43 Queen Street South, Kitchener, Ontario Map
Event Announcement
Document Storage/Announcement 2017-11-13

How do you store your documents? Where do you store them? What software creates your documents? What software stores it? What software retrieves it? What about document indexing and searching? How do you deal with non-textual documents? What document file format do you use? Is parchment and goose-quill still best?

This month there'll be a shooting match between the Well-Known Format SysAdmins and the OpenStandards SysAdmins. But it'll be a polite shooting match at our round table discussion, with SysAdmins relating their own practices, learning new ones, and telling tall tales.

--Bob Jonkman & Marc Paré


To Be Determined
Meetup Event
To Be Determined. This may be a field trip to a colocation site!

Where are your servers? Is that really safe? Have you thought about professional hosting at a colocation site? What's a colocation site? Who offers colocation services? What services do colocation sites offer? How much will all this cost? Can I still come visit my server when it's been placed in a colocation site?

Bob and Marc have questions, and ---- of ---- will provide the answers!

See you at the meeting!

--Bob and Marc

KWNPSA Requested Topics