Document Storage

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Document Storage

Monday, 13 November 2017 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Meetup Event
Queen Street Commons Cafe, 43 Queen Street South, Kitchener, Ontario Map
Event Announcement
Document Storage/Announcement 2017-11-13

How do you store your documents? Where do you store them? What software creates your documents? What software stores it? What software retrieves it? What about document indexing and searching? How do you deal with non-textual documents? What document file format do you use? Is parchment and goose-quill still best?

This month there'll be a shooting match between the Well-Known Format SysAdmins and the OpenStandards SysAdmins. But it'll be a polite shooting match at our round table discussion, with SysAdmins relating their own practices, learning new ones, and telling tall tales.

--Bob Jonkman & Marc Paré