FairvoteWRC AGM 2018-06-27

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MINUTES of the Fair Vote Canada Waterloo Region Chapter Annual General Meeting

27 June 2018, 7:12pm started
Community Room, Bread and Roses Cooperative, 307 Queen Street South, Kitchener, Ontario
Kevin Smith, Jim Sannes, Stu Chandler, Jonathan Cassels, David Dirks, Sharon Sommerville, Donald Fraser, Debbie Chapman, Peter Eglin, Julie Armes, Ellen Papenburg, Bob Jonkman, Myron Steinman, Peter Kotwicz, Corliss Olson, Cathe Campbell, Laurel Russwurm, Cathy Scott, David Dolson.
Meeting Announcement


Review of MINUTES from 2017

  • moved David Dirks, seconded Sharon Sommerville -- all in favour

Co-chair report: Sharon Sommerville

  • 12 festivals, 15 festivals days
  • Spinning wheel
    • all the countries have PR
  • Bread and Roses
    • new quieter location
    • thanks to Jim and Ellen.
  • Letter writing team has been working hard
  • Met with Raj Saini, Brian May
  • Postcards sent to MPs
  • Discussion of electoral reform
  • Seed money granted from Trillium for community organizing hub
    • Thanks to the late Trudy Beaulne for this initiative
  • Need new buttons
  • Not at Cherry Festival
    • they have a policy against political vendors
    • Debbie Chapman will raise the issue at the next meeting.

  • Accepted: David Dirks moved, Jim Sannes seconded
    • All in favour

  • Moved to recognize great work of chairs
    • David Dirks, Jonathan Cassels

Treasurer’s Report

  • Motion to postpone financial statement
    • moved by Jonathan Cassels , seconded by Bob Jonkman
    • all in favour

Other Reports

Outreach Committee: David Dirks

  • outreach to link issues with electoral reform

Digital Committee: Jonathan Cassels

  • online activities
  • nothing new to report
  • Web site:
    • 12000 visits on CETA page for some reason
    • 800 hits on reminding Raj Saini

  • Accepted: moved by Jonathan Cassels, seconded by Sharon Sommerville
    • all in favour

Election of executive

  • Sharon Sommerville and Kevin Smith continue another year as Co-chair and Secretary.
  • Nominees: Bob Jonkman, Donald Fraser, Cathy Scott, Myron Steinman, Debbie Chapman
  • Move to close nominations
    • moved by Sharon Sommerville, seconded by Jonathan Cassels
    • all in favour
  • Bob Jonkman to be co-chair, and Cathy Scott to be treasurer

New business


  • Powwow is new for this year
    • in Waterloo Park in September
  • Link
    • not doing it this year because of high price and not enough traffic
  • Provincial petition
    • must be paper
    • helps to raise awareness around provincial issues

  • Moved by Jim Sannes, Sharon Sommerville
    • vote 8-6 CARRIED

Contribute to BC

  • Donald, David Dirks- Donald in favour, rest opposed
    • We will not contribute as a chapter, but individuals are encouraged to do so

Door to door campaign - David Dirks, Cathy Scott

    • all in favour
  • Amendments:
    • plan prepare and pilot and report back in January (friendly)
    • Need to develop script and FAQ and other materials
    • People unhappy with election so they are thinking about it

Should we have a fall event?

  • moved by Sharon Sommerville, seconded by Ellen Papenburg
    • all in favour

  • Campus event would get only campus audience
  • Specifics to be determined by organizing committee,
    • Which will be Sharon Sommerville, Cathy Scott
    • They will investigate Co-sponsorship by Labour Council

Cambridge referendum is happening

  • people are welcome to support it
    • (Not a Fair Vote event but we support it)

Meet with new editor of Record

  • moved by Sharon Sommerville, seconded by Jonathan Cassels
    • all in favour
  • Cathy Scott will try to get a meeting

We should have a marketing plan

  • moved by Kevin Smith, seconded by Jim Sannes
    • all in favour

  • Sharon knows media guy from BC named Mark
    • he says we have the data, but need to turn it into a story

Sharon going to BC in the fall, and looking for telephone canvassers

Printing new Buttons

  • moved by David Dolson, seconded by Jonathan Cassels
    • all in favour

Next discussion

  • Weeny roast at Sharon's on July 25
  • Election analysis in August
  • September: Larry Kryski
  • October: Dan Holt (Consensus Ontario party)
  • November: Evan Rosamond

Motion to adjourn

  • moved by Jonathan Cassels, seconded by Sharon Sommerville.
    • 9:20 adjourned

Minutes taken by Kevin Smith