
Hello to all,

Hope 2011 is treating everyone well so far.

Just a note to request your assistance. We are in the process of re-energizing and are working to come up with a new name. Many people feel that “Stop the Stink” is no longer representative of what we want to communicate to the community so we are trying to come up with a new name…one with which we can all feel comfortable. Please send your suggestions. [or leave them in the comments –Admin]


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One Response to Name

  1. Bob Jonkman says:

    To date, we’ve been referring to ourselves as the “Bio Fuel Citizen’s Committee“. This week in the Woolwich Observer there is a letter to the editor from Shannon Purves-Smith. She refers to the group as the “Bio-En Citizens Response Group”. I like these, although there is the danger that non-residents will think we’re citizens of Bio-En <shudder>.

    How about “Elmira Citizens’ Bio-Fuel Reponse Group” — it identifies us, doesn’t pin us to one company’s proposal, and describes what we’re doing. The acronym ECBFRG is somewhat unpronounceable, so there’s lots of room for improvement.

    Maybe “Elmira Citizens Opposed to Biowaste In Town” or ECOBIT — that’s catchy.


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