Well, this is a shock…not only to me and you, but to Mayor Cowan. The Mayor has told me that the Township is sending out a press release explaining that the Ministry has been in agreement that the bio fuel facility should be located at a different site and he was told that it was in the works to be relocated and then the bomb was dropped last night. It seems to me that there is a disconnect between the Minister level and the engineer level and the engineers approved this without knowing that the Minister has said it could be relocated.
I know that everyone is interested in the appeal of this decision, but honestly we as a committee don’t have the resources to do that. The good news though is that the Township plans to appeal the decision on our behalf. “Our” being the residents of Elmira. So there will be an appeal filed by the Township.
More as I get it.
Hang in there!!
Dan Holt, Ph.D.
519 210 2121