This blog is set up for those who are opposed to the location of the Proposed “Waste Disposal Facility” that Bio-En Inc. wants to build in Elmira, Ontario, Canada.
The recent “Green Energy Act” has taken the power away from the Municipality of Woolwich to stop Bio-En Inc from building in this location, even though it clearly does not meet the land use as set out in the municipal bylaws.
The Waste Disposal site, if approved by the Ministry of the Environment, will operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. it will accept waste materials from 6:00 am – 11:00 pm Monday through Saturday.
This waste material will be comprised of:
- liquid manure
- rotting organics
- food processing waste
- grocery store waste
- kitchen waste
- farm crops
- fats, oils and grease
All of these will be trucked through Elmira, some of it in trucks covered only with a tarp. Trucked past homes and through the downtown business corridor. Ordinarily there would be 20 trucks a day bringing waste to the site, and more than half that number hauling waste away. It is possible that there could be as many as 80 trucks a day hauling waste through town on their way to Bio-En Inc.
The residents of Elmira have suffered enough from smelly noisy industries. If you live in Elmira this will affect you.
~ Elmira Bio Fuel Citizens Committee
PLEASE HELP US get this “Waste Disposal Site” located elsewhere where it will not harm local residents.
The red marker on this Elmira map shows where they propose to build this waste disposal site. Note how extremely close it will be to residential areas, Bolender Park, primary schools and downtown Elmira. Also note that the only way the majority of the trucks carrying this waste, up to 80 a day, can access this site, is by Martins Lane via the MAIN intersection of Elmira.

Biogas facility in England at the red marker, nowhere near residential properties. Note the access road off the main highway.
If you don’t want this plant to be built so close to downtown and our primary schools; if you don’t want elmira’s streets clogged with noisy smelly trucks; if you don’t want to lose a big part of the value of your property, then we need to do something to prevent it.
Let the people on the list below know what you think about this proposal and why you disagree with building a waste disposal site within the town of elmira. If you’ve already written to let them know, the residents of elmira thank you. If possible write another letter or email to them so they won’t forget where you stand. It’s going to take all of us working together to convince them that a facility such as this should be built in a rural setting where it can operate without causing grief to those around it.
The Honourable Jim Bradley
Minister of the Environment
77 Wellesley Street West
11th Floor, Ferguson Block
Toronto ON M7A 2T5
Telephone: (416) 314-6790
Fax: (416) 314-7337
Michael Harrison, MOE
Ministry of the Environment
Director, Environmental Assessment and Approvals Branch
2 St.Clair Ave. West Toronto, ON M4V 1L5
Toll free: 1-800-461-6290
Tel: (416) 314-8001
Fax: (416) 314-8452
Michael Harris, MPP (Kitchener–Conestoga)
Current Parliamentary Roles:
Member, Standing Committee on Estimates
Critic, Environment
Unit 4, 281 King Street East
Kitchener, Ontario N2P 2E9
Tel: 519-954-8679
Fax: 519-571-8660
Hon. Tim Hudak, MPP
Leader of the Official Opposition
Unit M1 – 4961 King Street East
Beamsville, Ontario L0R 1B0
Tel 905-563-1755
Fax 905-563-1317
Toll Free 1-800-665-3697
An important message from the Elmira Bio Fuel Citizens’ Committee
Contact Info
Appellants of the BFCC Appeal Group:
Elmira, ON