Letter from Leeanna Pendergast

Hi to all,
A brief update. I have just received an email from MPP Leeanna Pendergast (well, her aid Joe Brothers) in which he states: 
As you are aware, the provincial government has major interests in promoting renewable energy initiatives.  However, in the case of BioEn, our office continues to have concerns about odour and the close proximity to residential properties.  Leeanna has discussed these concerns directly with the Minister of the Environment on several occasions, and he is very much aware of Leeanna’s concerns and the concerns of Stop the Stink.  Leeanna invited him to visit the site in December; but, unfortunately, his schedule would not allow it.  Our office continues to work closely with the Minister’s office on this issue.  …We continue to work closely with MOE to ensure that your concerns are heard and understood.
And we continue to work to make sure that our concerns are heard.
I have also heard from some of you that you want a new sign…that is great and we are working to get those signs. I’ll let you know as soon as they are available. If you or someone you know wants a new sign please let me know.
This entry was posted in Discussion, Lawn Signs, Leeanna Pendergast, Ministry of the Environment, Politicians. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Letter from Leeanna Pendergast

  1. kathy says:

    how do i join

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