[stopthestink] Notes from the Candidates Meeting?

Hi all: I was unable to attend the meeting last Wednesday, 8 Sept. I
heard someone took notes; could those notes be posted to the list? I’ll
put them on http://sobac.com/~stopthestink as well.

Derek Potma took video of the meeting, which can be viewed at


Thanx, Derek! I have it on good authority that a handful DVDs of the
meeting have been made…


Bob Jonkman http://sobac.com/sobac/
SOBAC Microcomputer Services Voice: +1-519-669-0388
6 James Street, Elmira ON Canada N3B 1L5 Cel: +1-519-635-9413
Software — Office& Business Automation — Consulting

This is stopthestink@sobac.com Stop The Stink in Elmira
To unsubscribe: http://sobac.com:8082/mlss?Listname=stopthestink
Your list manager is Bob Jonkman

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Title: Meeting
Location: Woolwich Memorial Arena
Description: Chuck Martin, the president of Bio-En, has been asked to make a presentation outlining his company’s plan for the site, and to respond to any concerns the public might have.
Start Time: 18:30
Date: 2010-09-22
End Time: 21:00

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Re: [stopthestink] signs

The person with the signs is Randy Kirch, who works at the Home Building Center. His email is r[…]com

Ed Speers

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[stopthestink] signs


I need a couple of signs for friends. Can you tell me where to get them, please?

Shannon Purves-Smith,

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[stopthestink] Stop the Stink in Elmira Update

As we discussed at the meeting last Wednesday evening, this is the notice that there is NO meeting scheduled for this week. We are preparing for an all candidates meeting on Wednesday evening, September 8, at the Woolwich Memorial Center. Please mark your calender and let your friends and neighbours know about the opportunity to get their questions answered and to hear what the candidated for the upcoming municipal election think of this issue.

If you haven’t checked out the Stop the Stink in Elmira web site and blog you can find it at http//:sobac.com/~stopthestink/

Thanks to Bob Jonkman for all his work. There is a link to the Bio-En web site there – lower right under Blogroll. Some were wondering about the reports that Bio-En filed with the MOE and they can be found on their web site. When you are on the Bio-En website you’ll see a button near the top right labelled “Draft Project Description” which will take you to the page where all the pdf files “Draft” reports are located. You can open or download them. Remember they are draft reports and do not necessarily completely agree with those sent to the MOE.

In the next day or two we will post on the web site the contact information for those people who have generously committed to spend time coordinating different areas of activity in the Stop the Stink in Elmira campaign. I would encourage you to get involved in some way – by all working together we can have the greatest impact and expect the best outcome for all.

Thanks for all your efforts,

Ed Speers

for Stop the Stink in Elmira

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One-sided column praises Elmira Biogas plant

Herwig Wandschneider writes a glowing column in Echo Germanica about the proposed Elmira Biogas plant. Of course, he doesn’t live in Elmira but in Waterloo, and so doesn’t have the same concerns about traffic, noise and stink that we do.

This is the time to develop and implement useful new technologies that produce new efficiencies, where we need it, and which are at the same time beneficial to the environment.

No arguments there, except that “where we need it” is not in Elmira.

A few inaccuracies:

[…] and the end product is an efficient organic fertilizer, which can be sold to surrounding farms.

It was my understanding that the waste digestate no longer has sufficient nutrients to be called “fertilizer”, and farmers are unlikely to want it for their fields.

The praise is effusive, and the criticisms non-existent. Herwig Wandschneider reports about issues regarding art, performances, dance, business and professional events but does not appear to write much about local concerns such as traffic, noise and stink.


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Elmira Scouts already affected by Biogas facility that hasn’t even been built yet

Well, the bad effects of the proposed Biogas plant has already caused grief for the Elmira Scouts, and it hasn’t even been built yet!

In anticipation of the the Biogas plant, the Scouts are moving their storage shed. The Elmira Independent reports that “The move from its current location on Martin’s Lane is necessary because of the proposed biogas facility that could be built in that area.” This is costing them some $25,000! The money has been raised by local service clubs and other organizations, money that could have been put to better use than escaping the stink, traffic and noise of a Biogas plant.


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