Category Archives: Leeanna Pendergast

Letter from Leeanna Pendergast

Hi to all, A brief update. I have just received an email from MPP Leeanna Pendergast (well, her aid Joe Brothers) in which he states:    As you are aware, the provincial government has major interests in promoting renewable energy initiatives.  However, … Continue reading

Posted in Discussion, Lawn Signs, Leeanna Pendergast, Ministry of the Environment, Politicians | 2 Comments


Hi to all, Just a quick update so you know that we are still working on our problem. I have been in touch with MPP Pendergast’s office several times and we are trying to work out a meeting time with MPP … Continue reading

Posted in Leeanna Pendergast, Mailing List, Meetings, Politicians, Todd Cowan | Leave a comment

It is long but POSITIVE

Hello everyone; There is quite a bit of reading here, but we hope that it will help us to get refocused.  You will see that there is a lot of work to be done. We encourage you to come forward … Continue reading

Posted in Committees, Discussion, Ken Seiling, Leeanna Pendergast, Mailing List, Politicians, Todd Cowan | Leave a comment

Re: [stopthestink] letter from Pendergast

Don, That letter is becoming pretty familiar. Most of the people who wrote to Ms. Pendergast have received the same reply. I thought the other correspondance you received was much more promising and it would be good to talk to … Continue reading

Posted in Discussion, Leeanna Pendergast | Leave a comment