I can see that people might not want to keep up ugly lawn signs. What we need to understand is that a Monster Bio Gas facility will make Elmira Forever Ugly.
It’s not over yet. People need to be reminded that this is coming if we don’t speak up.
Something else to think about: we’re into T-Shirt weather.
Why not do a T-shirt or several?
There are companies like Zazzle and CafePress that allow you to upload your design and then they will print T-Shirts on demand. People can buy them online.
I’m pretty sure there is no cash outlay and if you price them low enough, people might buy them and wear them to all the local events.
I would.
And I’ll be taking photos at the concerts every Sunday in Gore Park all summer long.
Can you imagine: a park pull of No Bi-En t shirts for Canada day?
Sign Ideas:
One with the old sign … one with the new sign … maybe a T-Shirt that reads something like
“Don’t Put A Garbage Plant
So Close to My School
Say No To Bio-En
Don’t Put A Garbage Plant
So Close to My Church
Say No To Bio-En
Don’t Put A Garbage Plant
So Close to My Home
Say No To Bio-En
Don’t Put A Garbage Plant
So Close to My Business
Say No To Bio-En
or something universal like
Downtown Elmira Enjoys Fresh Air:
Say No To Bio-En
When You Add Trucks
It Stops Being Green
Say No To Bio-En
It’s a only
a 5 minute walk…
Don’t Put A Garbage Plant
So Close to DownTown Elmira
Say No To Bio-En
We could be more specific:
My Sign Was Stolen
over a picture of the sign
or one that has this on the front:
They stole my
“No Bio-En” sign
and this on the back
But Not My Voice!
Say No To Bio-En
—laurie jonkman