We need your help for the environment

Elmira Protest, Monday 16 April at 5:30pm at Woolwich Township Hall

Elmira Protest Flyer

Hello everyone;

If you can be with us to add your presence to this moment of protest, it would be very useful. We have been persuaded in the past to take a rather passive approach and it has taken us nowhere. This is our first real attempt to make our voice heard loudly enough for politicians to pay attention. We hope for a few moments of television time at this event, which should help us to build momentum as we present our case to the Environmental Review Tribunal. The issues boil down to the health of Elmira and to our need to demand a careful and informed assessment of all environmental projects. The over-arching issue is the fact that a much better location has been found from the point of view of the environment and from the point of view of small town Ontario, for which this case may be shown to be exemplary. The government simply ignored the alternative site. For the sake of us all and for the sake of our children, we need to protest!

Thank you to you all on behalf of the Elmira Citizens Appeal group.

Michael Purves-Smith

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It has come to my attention that the flyers being put out say to be at the protest Monday at 5:30. Obviously, that is pretty early for some people. For others that will work and some of those who are organizing this will be there early to answer questions and get things organized so come early if you want/can. The schedule, as I know it, is as follows: 5:30 early arrivals for the protest; 6:15-6:30 main protest and hopefully all are there to be seen and heard; I believe there is an “in camera” session for the Council at 6:00; the TV cameras and reporters will probably arrive about 6:30-6:45 (that’s a guess and if something happens elsewhere that is bigger news they won’t show at all); the Council meeting begins at 7:00 and hopefully most of you will stay to show support for Mayor Cowan and the Council as they continue to work on our behalf to relocate this mess.

More as I get it.

Dan Holt, Ph.D.
519 210 2121

Posted in Events, News, Public Awareness, Todd Cowan, Woolwich Township Council | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Hi to all,
Just a reminder about MONDAY evening at 6:15 to 6:30 when we all need to be at the Woolwich Township building. Honestly, this is a “make it or break it” moment. CTV called me this morning and are planning to be there Monday. So if a 100 or more of us show up then our opposition will be strong and continue…if 10 show up it will be the death knell for the movement and Bio-En will win.

With that in mind please come and bring anyone and everyone you can. The more bodies the better. Signs, placards, etc. I know that it will be an orderly event, but we still need to have a presence in order to be taken seriously.


Dan Holt, Ph.D.
519 210 2121

Posted in Events, News, Public Awareness, Woolwich Township Council | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment



It has come to my attention that the Woolwich Township Council meeting this coming Monday, the 16th, beginning at 7 PM will be on Rogers TV. This is a golden opportunity to make the wishes of the residents of Elmira known to not only the Council, but others in the Region and the Ministry of Environment regarding the bio fuel plant to be built in Elmira.

Therefore, BFCC is calling all of you to bring yourself, your friends, and your family to make a public protest at the Woolwich Township building Monday evening. Bring whatever signs and placards you wish to express how you feel about the approval of the bio fuel plant by the MoE.

Meet in the parking lot behind the building around 6:15 to 6:30 in order to organize. We are hoping to be there when the TV cameras arrive and let everyone know just how we feel about being disrespected and disenfranchised by the MoE.

This could be a great gathering and show of unanimity or only a handful show up which will be an embarrassment. Let’s show up and let them know we still care and support Mayor Cowan’s on-going efforts to get this mess moved out of Elmira.

Please pass the word and plan to bring everyone you know Monday at 6:15 to the Township building on Church Street.



Dan Holt, Ph.D.

519 210 2121

Posted in Events, News, Public Awareness, Todd Cowan, Woolwich Township Council | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Bad news

Well, I hear that the Township Council has decided to NOT appeal the decision by MoE to approve the Bio-En facility in Elmira. That is bad news. Apparently, Mayor Cowan is going to continue his efforts to contact McQuinty about it, but hope is slipping away. The appeal filed today by Michael Purves-Smith is all we have left…assuming Mayor Cowan can’t get any where with McQuinty.

Sorry, I just don’t know what else to say. My quote in the Elmira Independent stands… the MoE doesn’t give a rat’s ass about the people in Elmira.

Dan Holt, Ph.D.
519 210 2121

Posted in Appeal, Ministry of the Environment, Todd Cowan, Woolwich Township Council | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Just want to let you all know that after many hours of work Michael Purves-Smith has filed an appeal on the approval of the Bio-En location on our behalf. We should all thank Michael for his efforts and time spent, including a trip to Toronto. Thanks Michael.

In addition, I think that the Township is going to also appeal the decision to locate the bio fuel plant in Elmira….that will hopefully be discussed at the Township Council meeting tonight. It isn’t on the agenda as such, but should be discussed under new business… I hope.


Dan Holt, Ph.D.
519 210 2121

Posted in Appeal, Location, Woolwich Township Council | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Press Release from Woolwich Township Council

This press release was received from Woolwich Township. Original (.PDF, 35 kBytes).

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 27, 2011 [sic]

Township Opposed to Ministry of the Environment’s Approval of Bio-En Facility

Elmira, Ontario – On Monday of this week, the Environmental Approvals Branch of the Ministry of Environment notified the Township via email that they had approved the proposed Bio-En facility in Elmira.

The Township is extremely disappointed with the Province’s decision. The municipality’s opposition to the project’s location is well documented. Council has previously filed in writing its concerns (i.e. land use compatibility, truck traffic and odour) regarding the project with the Province, met with Provincial officials at both AMO and ROMA within the last year to underscore the municipality’s concerns, and ask for their support and assistance with re-location of the project.

Based on recent comments from Provincial officials at ROMA, Council has been optimistic that the Province fully appreciated the municipality’s concerns and was supportive of facilitating the re-location efforts. In fact, the Province had committed at ROMA to facilitating a meeting with the Ontario Power Authority concerning the proposed re-location.

The Township is supportive of green energy, and did propose to the Province a viable alternative site that would have been a valuable win for energy, the environment, agriculture and the local economy.

In light of the recent decision, Council will be considering and evaluating the options available to thet Township with respect to appealing the Province’s approval.

“Council has actively voiced its concerns about the project to the Province, has attempted to facilitate the re-location of the project, and plans to continue to do so”, stated Mayor Cowan.

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For additional information please contact:

Mayor Todd A. Cowan
Office: 519-669-6101
Email: tcowan@woolwich.ca

David Brenneman
Chief Administrative Officer
Office: 519-669-6002
Email: dbrenneman@woolwich.ca

Posted in Appeal, Location, Ministry of the Environment, Politicians, Public Awareness, Todd Cowan, Woolwich Township Council | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment