
Hello to all,

Hope 2011 is treating everyone well so far.

Just a note to request your assistance. We are in the process of re-energizing and are working to come up with a new name. Many people feel that “Stop the Stink” is no longer representative of what we want to communicate to the community so we are trying to come up with a new name…one with which we can all feel comfortable. Please send your suggestions. [or leave them in the comments –Admin]


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Stop The Stink Signs Gone Missing

When our family arrived home last week from a Christmas vacation, we discovered that the “stop-the-stink” sign in our yard was missing. Apparently ours was not the only one to have disappeared. Other residents have complained that almost all the signs on Arthur St. and William St. were stolen. I will be the first to agree with the opponents of the signs that they are not attractive. However, the fact that they have been up so long is not our fault. The provincial Ministry of the Environment and Bio-En are still negotiating the feasibility of the plant. With those temporary signs we announce that we are worried about a permanent despoilment of our community. That sign was our property on our private space; it expressed our right to have an opinion on what is a public matter. The signs indicate the solidarity of residents concerning that opinion.

However unsightly they may be, the signs serve a purpose that is extremely important. Whoever removed them has disregarded our civic liberties. This act of vandalism is illegal, and possibly a cowardly, undemocratic, and intimidating abuse of our property rights and threat to our freedom of speech.

I say “possibly” because maybe this second attack on the signs (the first was on Church St.), was an offense perpetrated by kids, who may have no understanding of the significance of the erection of the signs in the first place. One would like to think that parents educate their children about such serious matters as trespassing and theft. However, there is the possibility that if children are responsible for this crime, they may have been encouraged or at least condoned by their parents, who may not share the same views as the members of the Bio-En Citizens Response Group. If that were the case, the act is shamefully cowardly, to say nothing of morally corruptive.

If adults took the signs, the offenders have denied us the right to express our political views. The signs are not hate literature; they are just a statement of our objection to having noise, odours, increased traffic, and possible accidents that may well be associated with the installation of a bio-gas facility.

Overriding our right to display the signs belittles the democracy we enjoy in Canada. It intimidates others who might agree with us and who fear the invasion of their own property. As well, it menaces political honesty, especially in a small town.

Someone suggested that, given the timing of this sabotage, there may have been the desire to wreak vengeance on those who voted for the recently elected members of Council, who were perhaps seen as more open to criticism of the Bio-En project. Personally, I hope this overstates the case, because that sort of thing is anathema to most of us. Simply stated, the act was wrong. Whoever stole the signs should own up to it and apologize. This action was despicable. We also want to be reimbursed for them, because we are going to put up more.

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Public comments due for Ontario’s energy plan

Thanx to Susan Bryant and Shannon Purves-Smith for this heads-up:

The Ontario government must consider responses. Just a few people writing a few sentences noting the problems with how the province has handled applications such as the biogas is meaningful. I’ve responded to lots of these over the years, and it’s worth doing. Feel free to pass this message along to anyone who has doubts about the biogas project in Elmira.

From: On Behalf Of Louisette Lanteigne
Sent: Monday, January 03, 2011 4:15 PM
Subject: [All] Jan 7th deadline to have say on Ontario’s Energy

Important Info re: Ontario’s Energy

– A 20-year energy plan called Building Our Clean Energy Future has been rolled out, and public comments are accepted until January 7 – this Friday.

Decisions are being taken this year which will determine Ontario’s energy path for years to come – and it could even include a gas-fired power plant here in our Region. Even more concerning is the Liberals’ determination to spend tens of billions of dollars refurbishing the nuclear reactors at Bruce and Darlington and building two more new reactors at Darlington. The long-term Plan envisions that in 2030 Ontario will supply 55% of its electricity needs from nuclear power

Review the gov’t’s proposal here, and then submit your comments by clicking on the “Submit Comment” button on the right [of that page]. Deadline for comments is Jan 7, 2011. All comments will be considered as part of the decision-making process by the Ministry of Energy.


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I’ve been getting some reports that our yard signs are being stolen and/or torn up, especially along the busy streets such as Arthur Street. The smallest sign order is for 100 signs at about $5 each. My question is this…..should we try to order more signs? If so should we come up with another design for the new ones to have a new look and impact…people are getting used to these and “not seeing them”. Or should we wait and see…? Another option would be for those of us who live on dead end streets or very low traffic streets to share our signs and move them around to have better/higher visibility.

The current status is that we are waiting on the Ministry of Energy to allow a variation on the Bio-En contract to change the location. There are conflicting reports as to how they, the Ministry, will respond. Mayor Cowan is in contact with the Ministry and hopes to have an answer sooner rather than later. The problem of course is that Bio-En has to proceed as if that approval won’t come since under their current FIT contract they have about 2 and 1/2 years to be in production. The hope is that the variation will be granted…and no one can see why it wouldn’t be granted, but it is still unknown. If it is granted then other possibilities come in to play.

In addition, meetings with the new Township Council members are proceeding. We hope to introduce a resolution to the new Council in the coming weeks, and get it approved, that will be sent to the Ministry of Environment that says we do not want this facility in downtown Elmira.

Bottom line, and please spread the word, it is NOT a done deal. Many things are still up-in-the-air. Don’t lose hope and keep the enthusiasm alive.

Wishing you all a very Happy New Year’s Eve and a fantastic 2011!!


Dan Holt, Ph.D.

519 210 2121

Posted in Lawn Signs, Ministry of the Environment, Todd Cowan, Woolwich Township Council | 3 Comments

Elmira Biogas Plant In The News Again

After a few weeks of nary a mention, suddenly the biogas plant planned for Elmira’s north is in the news again.

First, the Elmira Independent reports on the Ministry of the Environment’s refusal to hold a public meeting in Elmira regarding Woolwich Bio-En’s biogas proposal.

Next, Gail Martin, the Elmira Independent’s editor, asks What, exactly, is the Ministry of the Environment so afraid of?

Finally, in the local high school online newspaper, “Lancer Lines” Becca Ellig says there should be No More "Stop The Stink".

Pull up a chair, grab a newspaper or a computer, and do some reading.


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The time is coming soon…we need to be extra alert to the web site announcing that the application for the Bio-En facility is ready for our feedback at the Ministry. Tuesday evening was the final public “meeting” for the Bio-En application requirements so I would say that they will be sending the revised application back to the MOE very soon.

BE ALERT. We only have a short period of time to respond to point out that the application is not accurate or appropriate or stating best practices. We need ammunition…and we need to be prepared to respond quickly. Put your thoughts together.

We have been quiet for the past couple months, but we need to rally the troops again to let the powers that be know that we are still alive and kicking. Please tell your friends, neighbors, and family members to come back on line…the bickering is over. We stand united in this cause. This is serious and we need your, and their, help if we are to protect our future, our air, our way of life, the vitality of Elmira, our health, and our property value.

This fight is far from over…it is NOT a given that Bio-En will win. Even though the past couple months have been quiet that doesn’t mean that we have not been working. We have gained valuable allies, we have finally gotten through the bull and know the truth, and we have a new Council and new Mayor. The MOE knows who we are and frankly are shocked that this type of thing is once again being pushed on Elmira. We have a reputation for not lying down and letting corporations walk over us so we need to once again fight. We know how…we’ve done it before and we can do it again.

Thanks to all of you and keep those signs up.


Dan Holt, Ph.D.

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Hi to all,
Just a quick update so you know that we are still working on our problem.
I have been in touch with MPP Pendergast’s office several times and we are trying to work out a meeting time with MPP Pendergast. She is in Toronto a lot these days so it is not easy to schedule a meeting, but we are trying. By the way, her aid has indicated that she is sympathetic to our cause of relocating the bio-fuel site.
Mayor elect Cowan has been in contact with both the Ministry of Environment and Energy and is trying to sort things out with them. He is working on this for us and trying to straighten out some confusion at this point. He will be sworn in on Dec 7th so I’d say he is doing pretty good considering he isn’t even “on-the-clock” yet. He is to keep me updated on his progress and is hopeful that we can resolve the situation in the near future…let’s hope he is correct.
Just so you know the public meeting on Nov 30th, put on by Bio-En, is part of the revisions they were required by Ministry of Environment to perform prior to re-submission of their application.
Thanks to all of you for hanging in there. We are gaining ground. Keep talking to your neighbors and family and friends. We need to keep the public eye on all this…don’t let them “out wait” us and lull us to sleep on this. It is your air…your property value…and your quality of life we’re talking about.

Dan Holt, Ph.D.
519 210 2121
Posted in Leeanna Pendergast, Mailing List, Meetings, Politicians, Todd Cowan | Leave a comment